2022 NASPAA Award Winners

October 3, 2022
David Marshall
Chief Membership Engagement, Diversity, Equity
NASPAA Announces 2022 Award Recipients for Outstanding Achievement in Public Service
Washington, D.C. -- NASPAA has announced this year's award recipients for outstanding achievement in public service education. The awards will be presented during NASPAA's Annual Conference October
19 - 21, 2022. “As the Executive Director of NASPAA, I never get tired of hearing about the amazing achievements of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate the 2022 award winners. This year's winners exemplify leadership in their fields every day by going above and beyond what is required of them, providing unparalleled service to their universities and respective communities. On behalf of NASPAA, we wish you all congratulations and continued success.” – Angel Wright-Lanier, Ed.D.
The recipients include:
NASPAA Alumni Spotlight Award:
Manuel Castro, Commissioner, New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College, Class of 2014
Hunter Johansson, Founder and CEO, Solar Responders, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University, Class of 2018
(Award Committee Members: George Dougherty, University of Pittsburgh (Co-Chair); Meagan Van Gelder, University of Nebraska Omaha (Co-Chair) and members of the Marketing the MPA/MPP Committee)
NASPAA Dissertation Award:
Yongjin Choi, Ph.D., Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy, University at Albany
Dissertation Title: "Policy Side Effects: How Do Policies Become a Source of Social Problems"
(Award Committee Members: Evgenia Gorina (Chair), The University of Texas at Dallas; Michael Ahn, University of Massachusetts Boston; Carla Flink, American University; Dana Michael Harsell, University of North Dakota; Alexander Henderson, Marist College; Stephanie Menefee, Northcentral University; Samantha Mosier, East Carolina University; Marvin Overby, Penn State University Harrisburg; and Jessica Sowa, University of Delaware)
NASPAA Diversity Award:
LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin
(Award Committee Members: Brandi Blessett, University of Minnesota (Co-Chair); Blue Wooldridge (Co-Chair), Virginia Commonwealth University and members of the NASPAA Diversity and Social Equity Committee)
William Duncombe Excellence in Doctoral Education Award:
Meghna Sabharwal, Ph.D., School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas
(Award Committee Members: Kenneth J. Meier, American University and Norma Riccucci, Rutgers University Newark)
NASPAA Professional Staff Award:
Shajuana Isom-Payne, Ph.D., L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, Virginia Commonwealth University
(Award Committee Members: Victoria DeFrancesco Soto (Chair), University of Arkansas; Grant Blume, University of Washington; Nicolas Bolden, Columbus State University; Robin Boone, University of Texas at Austin; S. Nicole Diggs, North Carolina Central University; Taryn Faulkner, University of Maryland; Simone Gbolo, Public Policy and International Affairs Program; Gladys Perez Sriprasert, Carnegie Mellon University; and Beth Soboleski, University of Michigan)
NASPAA Social Justice Curriculum Award:
James E. Wright II, Ph.D., Askew School of Public Administration and Policy, Florida State University
(Award Committee Members: Brandi Blessett, University of Minnesota (Co-Chair); Blue Wooldridge (Co-Chair) Virginia Commonwealth University and members of the NASPAA Diversity and Social Equity Committee)
Staats Emerging Scholars Award:
Felipe Blanco, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, University of Nebraska Omaha
Alejandra Medina, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, University of Illinois Chicago
Taek Kyu Kim, Harry Truman School of Public Affairs, University of Missouri
(Award Committee Members: Shilpa Viswanath, John Jay College of Criminal Justice – CUNY (Chair); Del Bharath, Savannah State University; Wendy Bolyard, University of Colorado Denver; Mark Bradbury, Appalachian State University; Maja Holmes, West Virginia University; Minsung Michael Kang, KDI School of Public Policy and Management; and Renzo de la Riva Agüero, University of Connecticut)
Leslie A. Whittington Excellence in Teaching Award:
Atta Ceesay, Ph.D., Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Buffalo State, The State University of New York
(Award Committee Members: Rachel Emas, George Washington University; Jared Llorens, Louisiana State University; and Cathy Yang Liu, Georgia State University)
Journal of Public Affairs Education Outstanding Article Award:
Kim Wiley, Ph.D., Department of Family, Youth, and Community Services, University of Florida
Sarah Young, Ph.D., School of Government and International Relations, Kennesaw State University
Article Title: "Erased: Why faculty sexual misconduct is prevalent and how we could prevent it"
(Award Committee Members: William Hatcher, Augusta University (Co-Editor); Bruce McDonald, North Carolina State University (Co-Editor))
Journal of Public Affairs Education Outstanding Reviewer Award:
Sarah Larson, Ph.D., College of Community Innovation and Education, University of Central Florida
(Award Committee Members: William Hatcher, Augusta University (Co-Editor); Bruce McDonald, North Carolina State University (Co-Editor))
Pi Alpha Alpha Chapter Advisor Award of Excellence:
Rui Sun, Ph.D., College of Business Administration and Public Policy, California State University, Dominguez Hills
(Award Committee Members: Atta A Ceesay, Buffalo State SUNY; Richard Greggory Johnson III, University of San Francisco; Sophie Lee, Metropolitan College of New York; Sean McCandless, University of Illinois Springfield; and Julie Olberding, Northern Kentucky University)
Pi Alpha Alpha Masters Manuscript Award:
Gail Fitzer, Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, Baruch College
Manuscript Title: "The Connection Between Climate Change, COVID-19, and Infectious Diseases"
James Galloway, School of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University Newark
Manuscript Title: "“Trans”–lating Narrative into Policy: How Opposing Coalitions Employ Narrative Strategies in the Pursuit of Transgender Student Bathroom Policy Solutions"
(Award Committee Members: Atta A Ceesay, Buffalo State SUNY; Richard Greggory Johnson III, University of San Francisco; Sophie Lee, Metropolitan College of New York; Sean McCandless, University of Illinois Springfield; and Julie Olberding, Northern Kentucky University)
NASPAA, the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration, is the global standard in public service education with a twofold mission to ensure excellence in education and training for public service and to promote the ideal of public service. It is the membership organization of graduate education programs in public policy, public affairs, public administration, and public and nonprofit management. NASPAA is also the recognized accreditor of master's degree programs in these fields. Its over 300 members are located across the U.S. and in 25 countries around the globe.