Career Resources
Your Source for Professional Jobs in the New Public Sector.
PublicServiceCareers.org is the most authoritative and widely used website for finding jobs, career advice, and information on degrees in public service and public affairs.
Other Career Resource Links
The US federal government's official job listing and application system. The site includes a special section for the Pathways Programs for Students and Recent Graduates.
Idealist.org includes nonprofit and community organizations, jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities around the world.
The online source of jobs available in state and local government.: International City/County Management Association
Indeed.org is a widely used job site.
Nonprofit Times A business publication for nonprofit management
OpportunityKnocks.org A source of nonprofit jobs and career opportunities.
Alumni Survey Salary Data
What could be my starting pay working for the federal government? The federal government has a General Schedule (GS) pay scale that is based upon “grades” and “steps.” The links below show how much an individual earns at each grade and step. MPA/MPP graduates usually enter the federal government at GS-9, or at GS-11 if they have relevant work experience. In 2017, a GS-9’s annual pay starts at $43,251, while a GS-11’s starts at $52,329. Federal workers are usually promoted within their grade in 1-2 “steps” per year. You can view the whole table by clicking here. Pay is also based on cost of living (geographic area). For example, a GS-9’s annual pay in Washington, DC starts at $54,972, a GS-11 at $66,510. See the whole table for the DC Metro area.
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