Recent JPAE Articles
University autonomy decline: Causes, responses, and implications for academic freedom
Training for the Reality of Diversity: Applying the DEI Training Ladder to a MPA Core Course
A cautionary tale of power and corruption: CEO autonomy and board oversight at the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence
NASPAA/JPAE Webinar: Tools & Strategies for Doctoral Students and New Faculty: Publishing & Reviewing
Journal of Public Affairs Education
The Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE) is dedicated to advancing the scholarship of teaching and learning and public administration education, including public policy analysis, public administration, and public management. JPAE is the official journal of the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA). Supported by Kennesaw State University and Northern Arizona University, the quarterly journal features peer-reviewed scholarly articles on pedagogical, curricular, and accreditation issues in public affairs education.
Public affairs is a field of practice, and as practitioners and scholars, we must engage in discussions that seek to strengthen instruction. JPAE fulfills a vital role in our field by serving as the top research journal for this dialogue on pedagogy. The journal's mission is to be a forum for scholarly discussions on teaching public affairs programs. The journal welcomes theoretical and empirically based manuscripts that substantively contribute to public affairs education including pedagogy in public affairs programs; the administration of public affairs programs; issues impacting public affairs faculty; trends in the field; case studies that illustrate NASPAA curriculum standards and public administration principles in practice; and other vital topics.
Sara R. Rinfret, Northern Arizona University
Sarah L. Young, Kennesaw State University
Engagement Editor:
Sungdae Lim, Sam Houston State University
Senior Associate Editor, Pedagogical Practices:
Sean McCandless - University of Texas, Dallas
Book Review Editor:
Michelle C. Pautz, University of Dayton
Digital Engagement Editor Editor:
Ana-Maria Dimand, Boise State University
Assistant Editor:
Noah Copeland, Kennesaw State University
JPAE Reports
How faculty, students, and staff in NASPAA member programs access JPAE
JPAE access will remain free for all faculty, students, and staff in NASPAA member programs. Make sure you are logged onto your library's network, search for the Journal of Public Affairs Education, and you will have automatic access. The Taylor & Francis system will recognize your university's IP address as being a NASPAA member (so you should therefore log into your school's network in order to access future JPAE issues.) If you have any access issues, please see your university librarian.
Please note: there are now two options for JPAE access by NASPAA member schools: electronic access is available for free to all NASPAA member school faculty, staff and students. University libraries and perhaps the schools themselves may want to SEPARATELY obtain a HARD copy subscription to the journal. The cost of hard copies in NOT covered in the JPAE access agreement for all NASPAA members, and must be paid for separately."