Institute for Innovative Teaching and Learning for Public Service
Access Publicases Today!
Publicases is an online Platform connecting students and faculty in public affairs schools around the world with case studies, data, and simulations. Faculty at all NASPAA member schools have free access to the case collection. For questions on how to get access contact
NASPAA is uniquely positioned to expand the development and use of case studies, simulations, and other experiential learning materials in public affairs education. NASPAA’s Publicases is building on the tremendous contributions to our field by the Hallway at the Evans School (University of Washington) and the Hubert Project at the Humphrey School (University of Minnesota), as well as other creators of teaching cases, simulations, and other learning materials from around the world.
How to access the case collection
If you are a faculty member at a NASPAA member program, you can access the system by requesting a login in from NASPAA is currently transitioning AMS systems and will be setting up a single sign-on again in Spring 2024.
If you are a faculty member not at a NASPAA member school, you have the opportunity to purchase a case from Publicases for a small fee. If you choose to use the case in your classroom, you will send the main collection link to your students who will also be asked to purchase the case for the nominal fee.
1. To strengthen the skills of student participants and future leaders across the globe in critical thinking and managing public governance, as well empowering them to engage in public service through simulations, cases and data-driven modes of learning.
2. To equip faculty with tools and teaching devices such as teaching cases, multimedia cases and videos, and simulations (computer-based and role playing), as part of an effort to enhance experiential learning opportunities in the classroom.
3. To train students in data analysis skills though real-world examples, specifically how to think forensically and employ nontraditional methods.
4. To provide expertise in public service values and working towards the public good to our partner organizations.
Case Study Resources
These resources were designed for use in teaching collaboration skills, and were selected through an annual competition sponsored by the Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (PARCC) at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University.
Global Delivery Library
The Global Delivery Library is a space that connects practitioners to share practical experiences and know-how around delivery challenges and adaptive implementation throughout the project cycle. It deploys a variety of forms, including delivery case studies, videos, multimedia materials, and other publications contributed by practitioners, to capture a range of experiences and inform practitioner decision-making for better development solutions.
Model Diplomacy
Model Diplomacy offers free National Security Council (NSC) and UN Security Council (UNSC) simulations that present both historical and hypothetical scenarios based on real issues, with content informed by Council on Foreign Relations experts. Cases focus on a range of topics that offer a balance of newsworthiness and evergreen educational value, and are accessible for MPA, MPP, and undergraduate students. Model Diplomacy enables students to gain essential knowledge, build important skills, and broaden perspectives surrounding global issues.
Institute for Innovative Teaching & Learning for Public Service

NASPAA's Publicases platform is now live!

Simulation Competition
Learn more about the Simulation Competition

Training Materials
Learn how to incorporate Case Studies and Simulations in your Classroom! Review videos and materials from NASPAA's Case Study Workshop and Simulation Workshop at NASPAA 2019!
Teaching and Learning Committee
Jodi Sanfort (Chair), University of Washington
Khaldoun AbouAssi , American University
Wendy Bolyard, University of Colorado Denver
Juree Capers, Georgia State University
Rich Callahan, University of San Francisco
Atta Ceesay, SUNY, Buffalo State
Stephanie Dolamore, Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council
Marcus Mauldin, University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Steven Mumford, University of New Orleans
Malcolm Oliver, Thomas Edison State University
Jessica Sowa, University of Delaware
Lois Warner, Rutgers University, Newark
NASPAA Liaison- Stacy Drudy, Director of Innovative Teaching and Learning