Dana Michael M. Harsell (CO-CHAIR) |
University of North Dakota |
10/31/2025 |
dana.harsell@und.edu |
Luis Luna-Reyes (CO-CHAIR) |
University at Albany, SUNY |
10/31/2025 |
lluna-reyes@albany.edu |
Christina S. Barsky |
The University of Vermont |
10/31/2025 |
Christina.Barsky@UVM.edu |
Yushim Kim |
Arizona State University |
10/31/2025 |
ykim@asu.edu |
Peter Linquiti |
The George Washington University |
10/31/2025 |
linquiti@gwmail.gwu.edu |
Ruth Wasem |
Cleveland State University |
10/31/2026 |
r.wasem@csuohio.edu |
Huynh Nhat Nam |
Fulbright University Vietnam |
10/31/2026 |
nam.huynh@fulbright.edu.vn |
John Gershman |
New York University |
10/31/2026 |
john.gershman@nyu.edu |
Alex Minkoff |
minkoff@naspaa.org |