Annual Maintenance Report
Accredited programs are required to submit an Annual Accreditation Maintenance Report each fall. Annual Reports encourage the spirit of ongoing program evaluation and provide programs the opportunity to continue the conversation about program improvement with COPRA between accreditation cycles. The reports are also used for programs to update the Commission on any program-wide substantive changes and respond to monitoring provisions detailed in decision letters. Annual Reports also emphasize COPRA and NASPAA’s commitment to public transparency, as aggregate data are used to contribute to the Annual Accreditation Data Report and individual program outcomes data are released publicly by NASPAA.
The Annual Accreditation Maintenance Report, required only of accredited programs, is included in the NASPAA Annual Data Report, which is open to all NASPAA members. The report is available annually in the NASPAA Data Center beginning on August 1 and is due by November 1 of each year.
NASPAA Annual (Accreditation Maintenance) Data Report Template