Official Standards & Policy

NASPAA Accreditation is guided by several official documents:

  • NASPAA Accreditation Standards - adopted in 2009, last amended in 2023, the set of Standards against which programs seeking accreditation are evaluated.

  • Self-Study Instructions - the official guide on how to complete the Self-Study Report, including the template for the Report, as well as resources for conforming to the Standards (Bases of Judgment, Glossary, Examples). 
  • Site Visit Manual – detailed information about Site Visits: what to expect and how to prepare for both site visitors and programs.

  • Peer Review and Accreditation Policy and Procedures – the official rules and processes guiding COPRA, site visit teams, and programs.

These documents are supplemented by:

  • COPRA Policy Statements – a window into the Commission’s decision-making, updated after each accreditation cohort.