Call for NASPAA Executive Council and VP Nominations 2022-2023

Call for NASPAA Executive Council and Vice President Nominations 2022-2023
DEADLINE: Friday, July 15, 2022
In August 2022, the Nominating Committee of NASPAA (the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration), chaired by Laura Bloomberg, Immediate Past President, will be recommending a slate for
FIVE members of the Executive Council
Vice President/President-Elect of the Council
The Nominating Committee welcomes recommendations for nominations from NASPAA member schools. Recommenders should note that Council positions require a significant commitment of time and effort on the part of the individual and support from their home institution.
This is a time of great opportunity for NASPAA globally. This cohort of the Council will play a vital role in cementing NASPAA’s position as a global NPO and accreditor. To that end, this is a unique appeal to recommend individuals with diverse experiences and vision for the worldwide role of NASPAA. Individuals from all regions of the world are encouraged to consider nominating peers and colleagues who can serve NASPAA in this capacity.
NASPAA’s progress in other areas also depends on the nomination of individuals with the skills and commitment to serve the organization. In particular, 2022-2023 will mark the first year of the organization’s new strategic plan, so this Council cohort will be responsible for thinking strategically about the next several years! During the tenure of these Council members, the Council will oversee the launch of NASPAA’s DEI Implementation Plan, a marketing effort for NASPAA’s teaching and learning platform, appoint new editors for the Journal of Public Affairs Education, determine the next generation of annual student simulation competitions, overhaul the NASPAA Data Center to include new community-wide measures, develop projects to improve career opportunities for graduates and devise means to serve our member programs in a challenging and highly charged policy environment. The Committee looks mainly for nominees possessing enthusiasm and dedication to public service and advancing public affairs education.
The Nominating Committee seeks diverse candidates for the Council who are well prepared to govern NASPAA as it "sets a global standard for excellence in public service education, leads the public affairs education sector, and strengthens governance and public problem-solving." The Nominating Committee also prioritizes the nominations of individuals with experience and skills in teaching and learning, grant-seeking, international public affairs education, sustainable development, budgeting and finance, marketing, data and IT, human resources, nonprofit management, and journal publishing.
The Nominating Committee seeks to put together a representative and diverse slate for the membership's vote at NASPAA's annual business meeting in terms of types of programs represented, geographic location (mainly reflecting NASPAA's mission of advancing education for governance globally), race, gender, and diversity broadly defined. (Please note: NASPAA actively seeks nominations from all NASPAA member schools, whether accredited or not). Please note that all Council members serve as individuals, not as representatives of their university, and are expected to consider the best interests of NASPAA and its’ member institutions in carrying out their duties.
The Vice President will serve on the Council and Executive Committee for three years: one year as Vice President, then one year as President, and a final year as Immediate Past President. Past service to NASPAA, including the Executive Council, is desirable.
Executive Council members serve a three-year term, which begins at the NASPAA Annual Conference. The Council meets several times per year via Zoom and at the Annual Conference in the Fall. The following three conferences are in Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Washington DC. At the Council's discretion, it may meet more frequently. Council members are expected to attend every meeting. The first meeting for incoming Council members will be in Chicago on Saturday morning, October 22, 2022.
Individuals wishing to make recommendations to the Nominating Committee should email the Committee's chair, Laura Bloomberg, at and copy NASPAA Executive Director Angel Wright-Lanier at by Friday, July 15, 2022.
The email should contain the suggested nominee's name, institutional affiliation and title, contact information (email and phone number), and verification that they know the nomination. The email should also include a brief (2-5 sentences) explanation of why the recommender believes this person would make a good NASPAA Council member or president-elect. A short bio or CV is helpful but not required. Self-nominations are permitted.
Questions about the work and responsibilities of Council members may be directed to Angel Wright-Lanier (, and the current Council membership is posted at