Call for Proposals: 5th Annual NASPAA & ICPA-Forum/JCPA Workshop

NASPAA and the International Comparative Policy Analysis Forum (ICPA-Forum) will co-host a conference workshop during the 2023 NASPAA Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. Workshop Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Do your classes systematically compare and teach students how to engage in comparative analysis—whether of issues, programs, agencies, levels, branches, types of government, and countries—in key issues in the field of public affairs? Are you interested in writing a paper about your teaching experiences, and getting in-depth feedback from peers to better prepare the paper for publication? Co-convened by Susan Appe (University at Albany, SUNY) and Sean McCandless (The University of Texas at Dallas) this annual workshop (10am-4pm) considers the ways in which effective governance in the public and nonprofit sectors demand a comparative perspective, especially to evaluate how and why similarities and differences in contexts, cultures, leadership, management, structures, and more matter. For this year’s call, we are adopting a “big tent” approach to explore and assess how comparative lenses are being applied and used in our MPA and MPP curricula.
Important Key Dates
July 1, 2023 - Proposal submission deadline to co-conveners (550 words max) Questions and proposal submissions should be directed to Susan Appe at
July 10, 2023 - Notification of accepted proposals
September 1, 2023 - Draft of paper and workshop registration deadline
September 20, 2023 - Co-conveners provide written feedback on papers; papers made available to participants
October 11, 2023 – Conference workshop, all participants are to have reviewed the papers and discussants will provide formal written and oral feedback to their assigned paper, 10am-4pm (exact timeto be confirmed).
Workshop Registration Information: The workshop includes refreshments and lunch. The workshop fee for all participants (presenters, discussants and other attendees) is $56 for students, $66 for faculty at institutions that are members in good standing of the ICPA Forum, and $76 for faculty from other institutions. The fee includes membership to the ICPA-Forum and all related benefits as well as a FREE annual subscription to the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis.