Goktug Morcol (CHAIR) |
Penn State Harrisburg |
10/31/2025 |
gxm27@psu.edu |
Cassidy Sugimoto |
Georgia Tech |
10/31/2025 |
sugimoto@gatech.edu |
Cynthia Searcy |
Georgia State |
10/31/2025 |
csearcy@gsu.edu |
Eunju Rho |
Northern Illinois |
10/31/2025 |
erho@niu.edu |
Halima Leak Francis |
Tulane University |
10/31/2025 |
halima@tulane.edu |
Craig W. Thomas |
University of Washington |
10/31/2025 |
thomasc@uw.edu |
Reynold V. Galope |
Metro State |
10/31/2025 |
reynold.galope@metrostate.edu |
Aislinn O'Donohoe Riley |
The University of Alabama |
10/31/2026 |
aodonohoe@ua.edu |
Gina Scutelnicu Todoran |
Pace University |
10/31/2026 |
gscutelnicu@pace.edu |
Lavonna Blair Lewis |
University of South Carolina |
10/31/2026 |
llewis@usc.edu |
Shaoming Cheng |
Florida International University |
10/31/2026 |
scheng@fiu.edu |
Shaun Gabrielli |
gabrielli@naspaa.org |