NASPAA Next Workshop

NASPAA is excited to announce the 2023 class of NASPAA NEXT is now accepting nominations. NASPAA NEXT will be a part of the NASPAA’s 2023 Annual Conference on Wednesday, October 11. The four- hour, in-person workshop (1pm to 5pm EDT), will provide emerging leaders in their departments or programs with practical tools that will enable them to become more engaged and dynamic members of their campuses and communities. Participation in NASPAA NEXT is by invitation only, and invitations are based on recommendations from deans and other senior faculty, professional reputation and scholarly research, as well as participation in NASPAA activities.
We are excited that this year’s facilitating sponsor is Carnegie Mellon’s Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy. Dean Ramayya Krishnan will welcome participants and professors Dr. Dareen Basma, Associate Dean of Diversity, Inclusion, Climate & Equity (DICE), and David Lassman, Distinguished Service Professor of Organizational Management, will facilitate.
This year’s NASPAA NEXT will offer emerging leaders a thoughtful workshop focused on leading across differences. This action-focused workshop equips participants with the insights to determine their leadership style and values while focusing on cultural dynamics, interpersonal relations, and developing skills to foster inclusive leadership practices. The workshop is focused on skills for personal and professional growth to effectively lead in our diverse world. The facilitators will emphasize the following:
- Understanding leadership styles and values;
- Cultivating cultural intelligence and responsiveness;
- Deepen negotiation and resolution across differences;
- Honing your leadership capabilities in leading in diverse environments.