NASPAA Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)




    Signed March 19, 2024

    NASPAA and the European Association for Public Administration Accreditation (EAPAA) have renewed their Memorandum of Understanding. EAPPA is an accreditation and quality-assurance association that develops and maintains high-quality public affairs programs in Europe.  This MOU between NASPAA and EAPAA creates a straightforward structure of cooperation, one in which we can share our expertise and commitment to excellence in quality assurance, and by working together we can forge a new understanding of public service education quality in the 21st century.

  • CAPPA Logo


    Signed October 2018

    This document outlines a cooperative agreement between the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration (CAPPA) and the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA). CAPPA, formerly the Committee of Schools in Public Administration, was launched in 1972, and has been accrediting Canadian programs in public administration since 2007. It has the mission of improving the quality of teaching and research in public administration. NASPAA, established in 1970, has been accrediting American programs in public policy and administration since 1980, and non-US programs since 2011. NASPAA’s mission is to promote excellence in education and training for public service and to promote the ideal of public service. The associations have a long history of informal exchange and cooperation, both at the association level, and at the level of individual schools and faculty. The purpose of this MoU is to put in place some formal cooperative structures that will strengthen and sustain the relationship between the two associations and make progress towards achieving some of our shared goals.



    Signed May 2018, Renewed 2024

    NASPAA has a longstanding relationship with INPAE; at least 10 schools are members of both. The agreement focuses on close cooperation and collaboration, as well as offering support to INPAE member school interested in pursuing NASPAA accreditationThe Inter-American Network of Public Administration Education (INPAE), created with the support of NASPAA, is an institution of higher education schools committed to developing public affairs' programs in South America. 

  • NISPAcee

    NISPAcee MOU

    NASPAA's Memorandum of Understanding with NISPAcee is an agreement to encourage greater levels of working together and communication regarding the promotion of quality public service education, such as by supporting international exchanges and conference attendance. The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) is a networking association created to spread knowledge, skills, and experience in the field of public affairs education.

  • AAPAM Logo MAp


    The African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) and NASPAA have signed a Memorandum of Understanding pledging both organizations to closer consultation and cooperation. Signed by NASPAA then-president Palmira Rios at the October NASPAA Executive Council meeting, the MoU represents a major step forward for NASPAA in establishing good working relationships in Africa to help advance public service education globally.