NASPAA Standards Revisions: Public Comment Period Open!

May 07, 2019
Comment Period

The NASPAA Standards Committee is pleased to submit for public comment proposed revisions to the NASPAA Accreditation Standards for Master’s Degrees, based on the feedback of NASPAA stakeholders, including COPRA, recommendations of the Standards Colloquium Steering Committee, and the strategic vision of the Executive Council.

The proposed revisions reflect the work begun in July 2017 to ensure the NASPAA Standards are relevant and fully comprehend the diverse ambitions of public service education. The Committee offers these recommendations to enhance the inclusivity and global competency of the Standards, while retaining their flexibility and wide applicability. Revisions are minimal, but represent important areas of growth critical to the future of the field of public service education.

The Standards Committee seeks your input! The public comment period is open May 7 - June 3, 2019. Please follow the link below to submit feedback through Survey Monkey, or you are welcome to email comments directly to

Provide your feedback!

The revisions:

  • Reinforce global public service values, especially with respect to transparency, accountability, participation, and inclusion;
  • Strengthen expectations and clarity with regard to diversity and inclusion;
  • Enhance universal required competencies to emphasize quantitative analysis, a rapidly changing policy environment, and better align with the multisectoral skills needed of public servants; and
  • Assert nonprofit management at the core public affairs education.

Changes to the Standards are available both with tracked changes and without. Based off of your comments, the Standards Committee will finalize revisions and submit them for a vote of accredited programs at the NASPAA Business Meeting on October 18, 2019.

For more information regarding the philosophy and rationale behind the proposed revisions, please refer to the following:

We greatly appreciate your time and input.