NASPAA Strategic Plan Approved by Council

We are excited to announce the release of NASPAA’s strategic plan, a north star to guide the association’s work in delivering excellence in public service education and training and championing public service. The plan is the result of a deliberative process that draws insights and input from the breadth of NASPAA’s membership. A hallmark of the plan is a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and accessibility, values that span the association’s activities. The development of the strategic plan occurred in parallel with a partner DEIJA plan. These two plans are intertwined, singling out the importance of inclusion, equity and social justice for our programming, while also embedding these values in all of our activities. The plan reflects the enduring core competencies of the association, while also pointing to areas of future growth and innovation. Five strategic priorities serve as the pillars of the plan:
Forward action is well underway in some of these areas, for example advancing equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibility. NASPAA’s Diversity and Social Equity (DSE) committee has connected with NASPAA’s staff and leadership to commence implementation of the DSE’s diversity action plan. Other areas require more deliberation, notably articulating our global vision. NASPAA’s leadership needs further input from the membership to assess our global strategy and make determinations about important issues (e.g. the application of DEIJA standards in different international contexts; global opportunities for future growth and expansion). While each of these strategic priorities are at different stages, the plan signals their equal importance.
We invite you to review the plan and provide feedback. This is a living document, and as we know from the courses we teach, implementation is the manifestation of strategy. The steps we take to execute the plan will be just as important as the direction we chart in the plan. Thank you for your continued engagement in making NASPAA the global standard for public service education.