Publications Tagged as NonProfit

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  1. JPAE Logo
    Journal Article Case Study

    A cautionary tale of power and corruption: CEO autonomy and board oversight at the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence

    Jennifer Jones
    Kimberly Wiley
    Theresa Beachy
    Journal of Public Affairs Education

    he Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (FCADV) was a nationally recognized nonprofit until 2019 when scandalous newspaper headlines such as “$7.5 million payday for the head of this Florida...

  2. JPAE Logo
    Journal Article Case Study

    Founder or flounder: When board and founder relationship impact nonprofit performance

    Del M. N. Bharath
    Sue Carter Kahl
    Journal of Public Affairs Education

    This case study describes the complex relationships between nonprofit boards of directors and executive directors, especially when the executive director is the organization’s founder. The case takes...

  3. JPAE Logo
    Journal Article Nonprofit

    Nonprofit graduate education: Who gets the degree and why?

    Amanda Stewart
    Kerry Kuenzi
    Marlene Walk
    Journal of Public Affairs Education

    The field of nonprofit education is rapidly growing, but the nonprofit literature has a noticeable gap about the impact of nonprofit education degree programs on their graduates, the organizations...

  4. JPAE Logo
    JPAE- Guest Editorial Curriculum

    Financial condition analysis: A key tool in the MPA curriculum

    Carol Ebdon
    Craig S. Maher
    John R. Bartle
    Journal of Public Affairs Education

    We are living in challenging times from the perspective of financing government services. Whether it is voter frustration with taxes, governments still recovering from the 2007–08 “Great Recession,”...

  5. JPAE Logo
    Journal Article Undergraduate Education

    Continuing to build knowledge: Undergraduate nonprofit programs in institutions of higher learning

    Carol Brunt
    Peter C. Weber
    Journal of Public Affairs Education

    As student demand for nonprofit management education (NME) grows, new program offerings proliferate. While longitudinal data track the development of graduate NME programs, their curricula and...