Why gender and research productivity matters in academia: Exploring evidence from NASPAA-accredited schools
This study is the first to examine the research productivity of public administration faculty by gender through the perceptions of full-time faculty members at NASPAA-accredited schools. It specifically examines how research productivity varies by gender according to faculty tenure status and academic rank. This study extends previous research by using survey methodology to explore research productivity through the perceptions of faculty using gender, tenure status, and academic rank. Findings suggest that during tenure-track years and after tenure, women publish significantly less than men overall. Findings also suggest that women who are assistant and full professors publish significantly less than men in similar ranks. Finally, the study finds no significant differences in publication rates between women and men who reported themselves to be associate professors. Through this study, the authors make three contributions to the discipline and present three recommendations that explore avenues to develop the research productivity of women in public administration scholarship.