PhD Pathways Initiative
Analyzing the Issue
NASPAA seeks too improve the resources and information available to potential PhD public affairs candidates. In order to create these resources, NASPAA needs to understand the current state of the field; what is working, what is not, what resources are needed to fill any gaps? NASPAA have developed the following two surveys to better understand the current state of doctoral education in our field and in our programs.

Doctoral Program Survey
Does your program offer a PhD in public policy, administration, affairs, or similar field? NASPAA requests you complete the following survey online to assist us in understanding the current state of Doctoral Education.

Current PhD or Recent PhD Graduate Survey
Hearing from NASPAA Doctoral Programs will only provide us with one perspective. We want to here from current and recent graduates about your experiences too! Help inform the types of programs, resources, information that NASPAA will spend its time developing for current and future doctoral students. Make sure we focus on what will help you and students like you the most!
PhD Student Survey (Reference pdf)