Program Director Resources
NASPAA 2021 Webinar Series
Small Programs Section sponsored Webinars
How do we reposition the MPA/MPP curricula to address diversity, equity, and inclusion?
August 19, 2021A discussion on "How do we reposition the MPA/MPP curricula to address diversity, equity, and inclusion?" with Presenter Dr. Helisse Levine, Long Island University, Brooklyn covering topics such as course mapping, resources, and being intentional in incorporating DEI throughout your program.
Transitioning Back to Face to Face Instruction
June 24, 2021The first of a series of Summer Webinars hosted by the Small Programs Section and their chair Peter Haruna, Texas A&M International University. This webinar lead by Charles DiStefano, Westfield State University, discusses how programs are transitioning to back to face to face instruction/ dealing with the "new normal" following the ease of pandemic restrictions.
Degree Pathways for MPA/MPP Programs
March 10, 2021This webinar put on by the Small Programs Section discuss degree pathways into MPA/MPP programs. Focusing on accelerated admissions/ 4+1 programs and discussing certificate programs. The Webinar is hosted by Small Programs Section Chair, Sara Rinfret of the University of Montana, with Brent Steel of Oregon State University and Kathryn Webb Farley of Appalachian State University presenting.
Keeping our Students Engaged and Supported
January 19, 2021A discussion on "Keeping our Students Engaged and Supported" with Presenter Charles DiStefano of Westfield State University; covering topics such as: new student retention; classroom engagement; students in crisis; virtual MPA community; capstone completion.
NASPAA 2020 Webinar Series
Throughout Summer 2020 NASPAA is hosting a weekly Webinar series alternating between the Comprehensive and Small Programs Sections. Below are recordings of those webinars.
Incorporating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion across the MPA Curriculum
August 31, 2020NASPAA’s Small Programs Section discusses “Incorporating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion across the MPA Curriculum.” The host is Sara Rinfret, chair of the small programs section, and Chair of the Department of Public Administration & Policy and Director for the Master of Public Administration Program at the U of Montana, and the presenter is Brandi Blessett, Director of the Master of Public Administration program at the University of Cincinnati.
Thriving during Crisis: Building Up Smaller MPA/MPP Programs in the Era of BLM, COVID-19, and Austerity
July 17, 2020NASPAA’s Small Programs Section discusses “Thriving during Crisis: Building Up Smaller MPA/MPP Programs in the Era of BLM, COVID-19, and Austerity.” Alasdair Roberts, from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst hosted the virtual meeting, and introduced the new chair of the small programs section, Sara Rinfret (U Montana). The meeting focused on participants asking questions, looking for advice, and sharing their experiences.
Hard Numbers and High Anxiety—What we know about Fall 2020 New and Returning Students
July 10, 2020Panelists discuss what they are doing to recruit, matriculate, and retain students during the Pandemic—and what impact that seems to be having on their numbers. They also discussed the recent U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announcement that international students “may not take a full online course load and remain in the United States” during the fall 2020 semester (which was rescinded just prior to the Webinar)
Panelists were
- Sally Wallace, Dean of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University.
- Edella Schlager, Director of the School of Government and Public Policy at the University of Arizona.
- Roger Hartley, Co-Chair of the NASPAA Comprehensive Schools Section, and Dean of the College of Public Affairs at the University of Baltimore.
Internships and Service Learning in a Virtual World
June 26, 2020NASPAA’s Comprehesive Schools Section discussed “Internships and Service Learning in a Virtual World.”
With Panelists:
- Chris Adams, Director of Student Services, John Glenn College of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University.
- David Schachter, Associate Dean, Admissions and Student Affairs, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University.
- John Bartle, Dean, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, University of Nebraska at Omaha (Moderator and Comprehensive Schools Section co-chair).
JPAE Symposium on Directing Public Affairs Programs
Directing Public Affairs Programs
Navigating the Multiple Roles of the MPA Director: Perspectives and Lessons
Beyond the Usual Complaints: The Front-Line Challenges and Opportunities of Small MPA Programs
Covid-19 Video Resources
Check out the series of interviews conducted by Don Kettl of the LBJ School!