The constitutive relationship between expertise and policymakers has been undermined by recent US Supreme Court decisions functionally overturning Chevron deference. Rebuilding a mutually reinforcing...
Academic freedom is often considered an absolute value of higher education institutions (Beaud, Citation2020). Traditionally, its value has been linked to topics such as ownership, the need for...
The effective public sector must facilitate relationships between the government and the public that reflect the increasing cultural diversity of their communities. With the reality of increasing...
he Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (FCADV) was a nationally recognized nonprofit until 2019 when scandalous newspaper headlines such as “$7.5 million payday for the head of this Florida...
Computer-based simulations in public affairs curricula are thought to better prepare graduates for responding to an increasingly complex public policy environment upon entering into or advancing...
This case study describes the complex relationships between nonprofit boards of directors and executive directors, especially when the executive director is the organization’s founder. The case takes...
The academic practitioner divide and strategies to close that gap have been important lines of inquiry in the fields of public administration and public affairs. This study contributes to that...
This article provides an introduction of the PhotoVoice methodology – a community-based participatory research methodology that uses photographs to critically engage hard-to-reach populations within...
Teaching workplace communication is vitally important as we expect public servants to have the skills to draft, review, and revise written communication materials. Less explicitly demanded, and more...
The United States is built on and reinforced by exploitation and oppression, especially the genocide “of Native Americans, and the theft of their lands, and the extensive enslavement of Africans”...