This study examines the features and benefits of a collaborative online-course template designed for and used by the department of public administration program at a mid-Atlantic university in the USA...
Confederate monuments conjure competing public sector values. Like many cities in the USA, Baltimore, Maryland had monuments honoring the “Lost Cause of the Confederacy”. This case examines the...
Debates about trade-offs among values are central to the field of public administration and to graduate education in public affairs. Accreditation guidelines from the Network of Schools of Public...
This exploratory study questions whether Master of Public Administration programs prepare future public administrators to how gender plays out in negotiations that occur in organizations. Negotiated...
With concerns about the environment shaping federal, state, and local governmental policies, public administrators are increasingly being called to account for how government is addressing...
The work of crafting sustainable solutions to complex policy problems requires decision makers and implementers to secure buy-in from a diverse set of stakeholders. Those stakeholders operate in...
To herald JPAE’s 25th volume, it is appropriate to look back at a bit of history and look forward to future research. Just as governments have faced demands to demonstrate results, so also did...
Despite repeated calls to temper the bureaucratic ethos and its associated process-oriented pathologies with more of a democratic ethos grounded in normative values and the public interest, the...
The representation of women in faculty roles within universities broadly and within public affairs departments specifically has been evolving over the past three decades. However, diversifying gender...