Service-learning is highly praised as a successful pedagogical tool for students’ learning. Benefits are attributed to students, the university, and the community. However, the literature also...
We are living in challenging times from the perspective of financing government services. Whether it is voter frustration with taxes, governments still recovering from the 2007–08 “Great Recession,”...
Public administration scholarship of teaching and learning has given little attention to planning curriculum, despite that planning is becoming more relevant to public administrators. This notion of...
This study is the first to examine the research productivity of public administration faculty by gender through the perceptions of full-time faculty members at NASPAA-accredited schools. It...
Female faculty members in public service programs take on a disproportionate amount of advising and mentoring responsibilities yet are less likely to be in leadership positions at universities. Women...
The field of nonprofit education is rapidly growing, but the nonprofit literature has a noticeable gap about the impact of nonprofit education degree programs on their graduates, the organizations...
Using data provided in ProQuest: Dissertations and Theses: Global (PQDTGlobal) database from 1890 to 2016, in this study we explore gender differences in historical and contemporary trends in public...
This article presents a “Call to Action” Social Equity Manifesto developed at the Minnowbrook at 50 conference. The Social Equity Manifesto identifies several critical areas of emphasis that can help...
Public administration has continued to see the international increase on the graduate level and is beginning to have an increasing interest at the undergraduate level. This article focuses...
The main research question considered in this article is the relative prominence of social equity among public administration curricula via an examination of program mission. It has long been asserted...